Airbnb Management Double Bay

Airbnb Rentals vs. Long-Term Property Rental ROI in Double Bay

Explore the financial benefits between long-term and short-term rentals in Double Bay with The BNB Agency.

Understanding the Rental Market in Double Bay

For property owners in Double Bay, the figures speak volumes: units yield an average of 3.0% at $925 weekly, while houses stand at 1.9% with $2,200 weekly in long-term rentals.

But here’s where the game changes – shifting to Airbnb or short-term rentals can dramatically boost these numbers. Airbnb’s appeal comes from its flexibility and the chance to earn more. It’s a clear reason why more Double Bay property owners are moving away from traditional renting models.

With the right property management, Airbnb rentals can substantially increase your investment property’s revenue, offering a lucrative alternative to traditional long-term renting.

Long-Term Rental Figures

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Average Rental Yield for Units

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Average Weekly Rent for Units

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Average Rental Yield for Houses

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Average Weekly Rent for Houses:

Real-Time Comparison

Managed Airbnb Management Rental Returns

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Average Weekly Returns for Double Bay

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Annual Revenue

 That’s a 115% increase in annual income.

Maximise Your Rental Returns in Double Bay by 115% Annually

The Airbnb sector in Double Bay, Sydney, is witnessing a surge in demand for short-term rentals, showcasing an impressive 72% occupancy rate. This trend underscores the important role of Airbnb property management in boosting profitability for property owners.

With an average daily rate of $391, Airbnb properties in this exquisite part of Australia are poised to generate substantial annual revenues of $103.5K, compared to the $48.1K earned annually from long-term rentals. Property owners in Double Bay can boost income by embracing Airbnb management amidst rising demand in this beautiful Sydney suburb. This means a significant $55.4K increase in yearly earnings.

Insights into Airbnb Seasonality and Occupancy Rates in Bondi

You might be concerned about seasonal fluctuations in occupancy rates when considering Airbnb management in Bondi.

Occupancy rates tend to dip during winter, but here’s the important takeaway: earnings during peak months offset losses in the quiet months.


For instance, consider December of last year when the average daily rate for Bondi properties on Airbnb reached an impressive $530, compared to $328 in June. 

While occupancy rates may fluctuate, the robust earnings during the peak months far surpass lower rates in the quieter periods. 

So, don’t let seasonal variations deter you. Embrace the opportunity to capitalise on the bustling months and maximise your rental income in Bondi Beach with Airbnb Management.

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Occupancy Rate

Sample info when hover

Airbnb Seasonality and Occupancy Rates in Double Bay Insights

The market thrives year-round in Double Bay with a consistent occupancy rate of over 70%, showing that property owners don’t have to worry about seasonal fluctuations. Summer and spring see increased demand due to beautiful harbour beaches and blooming jacaranda trees, making it a great time for investment properties. 

With an average daily rate of $391 and the potential for a 115% increase in annual income during these peak times, effective Airbnb property management and dynamic pricing strategies can significantly enhance rental yield.

Situated less than 4 km from the CBD and just 5.5km from Bondi Beach, Double Bay offers unparalleled access to Sydney’s top attractions, including stunning 270-degree views of the CBD.

Now is a great time to transform your rental property into an Airbnb in one of eastern Sydney’s upscale suburbs, where the market is hot and the potential for high rental yield is undeniable.

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Occupancy Rate

The occupancy rate in the
short-term rental property
market measures the proportion
of rental units occupied over
a specific period.

Why Do Tourists Love Double Bay?

Tourists are captivated by Double Bay, Sydney, for its enchanting mix of natural beauty, sophisticated lifestyle, and vibrant culture. This harbourside enclave is not just about the glitz and glamour; it’s a place where visitors can unwind in leafy parks or bask in the sun on golden beaches. This harbourside suburb shines with:

Double Bay boasts idyllic harbour beaches, a beautiful rooftop bar, and leafy streets lined with charming heritage architecture. It also has tranquil water vistas and Australian bushland.

A scenic water taxi ride to Clark Island offers breathtaking harbour views.

Set in a picturesque harborside location, the Murray Rose Pool (formerly Redleaf Pool) provides a safe swimming experience. A scenic pontoon is perfect for leisurely strolls, and a café offers delicious food with stunning views.

The suburb is famous for its high-end fashion boutiques and classy restaurants. You’ll find the best of both local and international fashion and housewares on Knox Street, Cross Street, and Transvaal Avenue.

Double Bay is a must-visit destination making it perfect for Airbnb rentals. The BNB Agency expertly manages properties here, ensuring guests enjoy exceptional service.

Boost Your Annual Rental Yield By An Impressive 115% In Double Bay With Expert Airbnb Management

Stress-Free, High Yield Airbnb Management Double Bay

Discover Your Property's Earning Power

Partner with The BNB Agency for the Complete Range of Airbnb Management Services in Double Bay

We help increased returns on your Double Bay property with our full-service Airbnb property management in Double Bay, Sydney.

How We Boost Your Rental Income Through Airbnb Property Management:

Forget the hassle of managing your Airbnb listing alone. Our Airbnb management service in Double Bay takes care of everything, from listing creation, customer care to multi-platform advertising. With our dynamic pricing strategy, we don’t just increase your bookings; we ensure they’re at the best market rate. Imagine seeing a 115% increase in your earnings, turning a standard $925 weekly into a staggering $2.7K with short-term rentals.

At the heart of our service is the commitment to first-rate guest experiences. From seamless booking processes to unmatched guest communications, we make every stay memorable. This dedication not only secures 5-star reviews but also turns guests into repeat visitors.

Our team of expert property managers handles every aspect of Airbnb management in Double Bay. From professional photography and thorough property maintenance to Airbnb cleaning, we guarantee your property shines. Let us leverage this opportunity to boost your property’s visibility and maximise returns, all while you enjoy less stress and more success.

We are 100% committed to maximising your investment property’s potential. With over two decades of marketing expertise and a deep understanding of the Airbnb platform, we consistently deliver the best return on your property. Let’s work together to elevate your Airbnb hosting experience and secure that coveted $55.4K increase in long-term revenue.

Choose us for exceptional Airbnb property management in Sydney. We promise to make your investment work harder for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Definitely. Investing in a Double Bay property for short-term rentals is smart. With The BNB Agency, you can see a $55.4K increase in income. Our expert property managers ensure the best results, with average weekly returns of $2.7K compared to the standard $925. Partnering with a top management company maximises your yield.

Moving from Airbnb hosting to management services in Double Bay can significantly enhance your investment. Partnering with The BNB Agency, renowned for its expertise in property management, particularly in Sydney suburbs, allows property investors to see a 115.18% increase in annual income—from $48.1K to $103.5K. Our property managers handle everything from guest engagement to property upkeep, streamlining the process and maximising your returns. By optimising listings with targeted digital marketing strategies, we attract more bookings, elevating both the guest experience and your earnings. Contact us to make your money work smarter, not harder.

Seasonality impacts Airbnb rentals in Double Bay, with demand peaking during the warmer spring and summer months due to events and tourists seeking beachside stays. However, this suburb experiences a stable demand year-round, maintaining an occupancy rate over 70%, thanks to its appealing location and amenities. Our property managers, specialising in Airbnb management Sydney, expertly navigate these seasonal trends to optimise returns while ensuring consistent performance throughout the year.