How to Become an Airbnb Superhost

October 9, 2023

What is a Superhost on Airbnb?

Dreaming of becoming the next Airbnb Superhost in your area? You’ve come to the right place! 

Enter the world of the Airbnb Superhost: the crème de la crème of hosts. Recognized for their standout service and infectious warmth, they’re the ones who set the bar high.

Superhost status is more than just a badge—it’s a reflection of outstanding guest experiences, time after time. 

High reviews? Check. Regular bookings? Absolutely. Few cancellations and lightning-fast responses? You bet.

But here’s the kicker: becoming a Superhost isn’t a walk in the park. Airbnb doesn’t hand out superhost status freely,  and once attained, it’s easy to lose with quarterly reviews.

Here, we’ll break down the exact steps, tips, and insider secrets to elevate your hosting game and proudly sport that Superhost badge. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to embark on your Superhost journey with the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed.

Ready to make your mark? Let’s dive deep!

5 Simple Steps to Becoming an Airbnb Superhost

From Airbnb Host to Superhost Status

Achieving Superhost status on Airbnb positions your listing as a top choice for potential guests. To attain this reputable status, ensure you meet the following criteria:

Step 1: Maintain a 1% cancellation rate
(1 cancellation per 100 reservations) or lower

Keeping cancellations to a minimum is vital in establishing trust.

Step 2: Maintain a 90% response rate or higher

Timely and effective communication is crucial in making guests feel valued.

Step 3. Maintain an overall rating of 4.8 or higher

Superior guest experiences are reflected in high ratings.

Step 4. Host at least 10 trips or have 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights

Hosting frequency displays your dedication and reliability.

Step 5: Have an active host account

To become a superhost, Airbnb requires an updated and active listing demonstrates your commitment to the platform.

By diligently following these steps and providing excellent service, you’re well on your way to achieving the esteemed Superhost status on Airbnb, which could lead to more bookings and potentially higher earnings.

How to Maintain Your Airbnb Superhost Badge of Honour

Airbnb Superhost Requirements

To maintain Superhost status on Airbnb, hosts must continuously meet specific requirements, as Airbnb evaluates these criteria four times annually. During each evaluation, hosts who meet all the Airbnb requirements either retain their Superhost designation or achieve it if they hadn’t previously. Those who fail to meet any requirement lose the title.

Airbnb users can monitor their status by accessing the ‘Superhost’ section under ‘Performance’, ensuring they consistently uphold the guest experience standards.

Furthermore, Airbnb informs hosts via email about any changes to their Superhost status, underscoring the importance of regular tracking and adherence to the Superhost requirements.

How it Works

Airbnb conducts a quarterly assessment to evaluate hosting performance over the preceding 12 months for all listings on a host’s account. However, hosting for 12 months is not a prerequisite to qualify. Each assessment period spans 5 days, commencing on:

January 1st

April 1st

July 1st

October 1st

Should a host meet the programme requirements by the assessment date, they automatically attain Superhost status—no application is necessary. Airbnb notifies hosts of their status following each assessment period, with the Superhost badge taking up to a week to manifest on the host’s listing.

Airbnb Superhost Benefits

Reaching superhost status is more than a badge. Achieving Superhost status on Airbnb not only enhances your reputation but also brings about tangible benefits:

The Superhost status hence not only serves as a badge of trust and quality but also significantly augments your earning potential and provides additional support and rewards from Airbnb.

Become an Airbnb Superhost with The BNB Agency

Becoming an Airbnb Superhost can be challenging, but with The BNB Agency, the process becomes seamless. We have a history of being a top-rated Superhost and know precisely what is needed to upgrade your home and boost your earnings. 

We introduce a hands-off approach for short-term rental owners by utilising a specialised tech suite to manage bookings and handle on-ground operations such as cleaning and property maintenance and Airbnb guest management.  This added touch and a well-maintained home lead to higher guest satisfaction, more five-star reviews, and returning visitors.

If maximising your revenue with hassle-free Airbnb management Sydney appeals to you, The BNB Agency is ready to assist. Reach out to our expert team and learn more about our superior service in vacation rental management and how we can help you achieve that coveted Airbnb Superhost status.


Becoming a Superhost on Airbnb means you must be good at hosting guests. Only a few hosts get this special title. A report by AirDNA says only 1.4 out of every million guests on Airbnb become Superhosts.

Yes, they can. Superhosts might show up more on Airbnb because of their special badge. This means more people might click on their place and book a stay. Airbnb might also talk about these Superhosts in their emails, which can help them get even more guests.

To be a Superhost, you need guests to stay at your place a lot and leave good reviews. Specifically, you need at least 10 stays or guests for 100 nights over three bookings in one year. This shows guests can trust you to give them a good stay.

Yes, they often do. Superhosts have a special badge, which makes guests want to stay with them. Because they are known for being great hosts, more people want to book their place. This can mean they get more guests, charge more, and make more money.