STRA Compliance:
Ensuring Your Property Meets the Standards

Navigating compliance requirements is crucial for property owners in the dynamic world of short-term rental accommodation (STRA). Whether you’re a seasoned host or new to the STRA landscape, understanding the latest regulations and how to adhere to them is essential for operating within the law and maintaining the safety and satisfaction of your guests. This guide covers everything you need to know about STRA compliance, including new requirements, exemptions, fees, and potential restrictions from strata committees.

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What is STRA Approval?

Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) approval is the regulatory process required by local authorities to ensure properties used for short-term rentals meet specific standards. This approval is designed to protect guests, neighbours, and the community while promoting the safe and fair use of residential properties.

To obtain STRA approval, property owners typically need to:

  1. Register their property with the local government or a designated STRA register.
  2. Ensure the property meets local building and new fire safety standards.
  3. Comply with zoning laws and other local government planning strategies.

What Are the New STRA Compliance Requirements?

The NSW Government regularly updates STRA requirements to ensure best practices. Recent updates to compliance requirements aim to enhance safety, accountability, and the overall guest experience. Property owners must adhere to the following:

All short-term rental properties in NSW must register on the NSW Planning Portal’s STRA Register. This registration provides a central platform for managing your rental.

The safety of your guests is paramount. The STRA Fire Safety Standard outlines specific requirements, including:

  • Smoke and Heat Alarms: Interconnected, wireless alarms with non-removable 10-year lithium batteries are mandatory. Monthly testing of these alarms is crucial to ensure functionality.
  • Evacuation Diagrams: Clear evacuation diagrams with escape routes must be displayed near entrances and bedroom doors. Up to four diagrams may be required depending on the property layout.
  • Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets: Having a readily accessible portable fire extinguisher and fire blanket is crucial for guests to take immediate action if necessary. Ensure these are serviced and maintained regularly to meet safety standards.
  • Emergency Contact Numbers: Provide clear emergency contact details for your guests, including the national emergency number (000) and any relevant local contact information (e.g., building manager). Include instructions on how to report emergencies and seek assistance.
  • Assessment Reports: An assessment of egress doors in two- and four-unit dwellings is required to verify that doors can be easily opened from the inside in an emergency. Address any deficiencies in door mechanisms, locks, or signage obstructing safe egress.
  • Routine Inspections: Regular inspections (bi-annual or annual) by a qualified professional are necessary to maintain compliance with fire safety standards. Document inspection findings and actions taken to address identified safety risks.

Zoning Compliance: Ensure your property complies with local government planning schemes and zoning laws.

Beyond fire safety, the STRA framework also establishes a Code of Conduct outlining expectations for responsible short-term rental practices. This code applies to hosts, guests, booking platforms, and letting agents. Key principles include:

  • Respectful Behaviour: Upholding a high standard of respect towards neighbours and the surrounding community.
  • Noise Management: Ensuring noise levels are within reasonable limits, particularly during evening and night hours.
  • Waste Disposal: Disposing of waste responsibly and adhering to local council regulations.
  • Partying and Gatherings: Managing guest behaviour to prevent large gatherings or disruptive parties.
  • Property Maintenance: Maintaining the property in good condition to avoid attracting complaints or safety hazards.
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Understanding the Benefits of STRA Compliancy

Beyond legal obligation, adhering to STRA regulations offers a multitude of benefits for your short-term rental business:

  • Enhanced Guest Confidence: Guests booking your property can be assured of adhering to safety standards, leading to positive reviews and increased bookings.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your property meets all regulations reduces the risk of potential issues and allows you to focus on providing a great guest experience.
  • Stronger Reputation: Operating a compliant short-term rental reinforces a professional and responsible image, attracting quality guests and fostering trust.
  • Reduced Risk of Penalties: Non-compliance with STRA regulations can lead to fines and penalties, impacting your business financially.

Exemptions from STRA Compliancy

There are limited exemptions to the STRA framework. It’s important to note that these exemptions are specific and may not apply to all situations. Certain properties and scenarios may be exempt from STRA compliancy requirements:

  • Properties with Development Consent (DA): Properties with a valid DA specifically for short-term rental use may not be subject to the 180-day annual cap on rentals. However, these properties must still register on the STRA Register and comply with all other STRA rules, including fire safety standards and the Code of Conduct.
  • Home Stays: Properties where the owner or a permanent resident is present during the guest’s stay may be exempt from some regulations but should still check with their local council for any specific requirements.
  • Limited Rental Days: Properties rented out for a limited number of days per year may qualify for exemptions.
  • Specific Zones: Properties located in areas designated by local authorities as STRA-friendly zones may have reduced requirements.
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The cost of obtaining STRA approval can vary significantly depending on the location and the specific requirements of the local government. Typical fees may include:

  • Registration Fee: A fee for registering the property with the local STRA register, which can range from a nominal amount to several hundred dollars.
  • Inspection Fees: Fees for initial and routine safety inspections, including fees for inspections conducted by certified fire safety professionals.
  • Renewal Fees: Periodic renewal fees to maintain STRA registration and compliance, often discounted for properties with a history of consistent compliance and safety.


A registration fee of $65 applies for all new registrations. STRA property registrations must also be renewed annually from the date of the original registration to remain active on the STRA Register. A renewal fee of $25 applies. 

Property owners should consult their local authority for detailed information on applicable fees and any potential financial assistance or subsidies available for compliance-related expenses.

Navigating Strata Bylaws: Understanding Your Building's Regulations

In many jurisdictions, strata or condominium committees can regulate or restrict short-term rentals within their buildings or complexes. This is often done to address concerns about security, property wear and tear, and the impact on long-term residents’ quality of life. Strata committees can establish bylaws that either restrict or outright ban short-term rentals, including those arranged through platforms like Airbnb.

If your short-term rental property is located within a Strata scheme, there may be additional regulations to consider. Strata schemes can have bylaws that regulate short-term rentals. These bylaws may:

  • Permit or Prohibit Short-Term Rentals: Some Strata schemes may completely prohibit short-term rentals, while others may allow them with specific restrictions.
  • Impose Limitations on Rental Frequency or Duration: Strata bylaws may limit the number of days a property can be rented out per year or set minimum stays for guests.
  • Outline Specific Guest Behaviour Expectations: Some Strata schemes may have additional regulations regarding noise levels, guest numbers, or parking limitations for short-term rentals.
  • Approval Processes: Some strata committees may require owners to seek approval before listing their property for short-term rental.
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Maintaining Compliance: A Proactive Approach

Maintaining STRA compliancy is an ongoing process. Here are some tips for staying proactive:

  • Regularly Review STRA Updates: The NSW Department of Planning and Environment periodically updates STRA requirements. Staying informed about these changes ensures your property remains compliant.
  • Schedule Regular Inspections: Arrange for bi-annual or annual inspections by a qualified professional to verify your property adheres to fire safety standards.
  • Maintain Clear Communication with Guests: Provide guests with clear information about house rules, emergency procedures, and the local neighbourhood. This fosters a better guest experience and helps ensure responsible behaviour.

Beyond Compliance: Charting Your Course for Success

While navigating STRA is crucial, compliance is just the foundation for a thriving short-term rental business. Here's how proactive management can elevate your success:

Understanding Your Local Landscape

Familiarise yourself with regulations specific to your local council, such as waste disposal guidelines or noise ordinances. This ensures your rental operates seamlessly within the broader community. By understanding and adhering to these local regulations, you demonstrate your commitment to responsible hosting and community integration.

Building Positive Relationships

Open communication with neighbours goes a long way. Consider informing them of upcoming rentals or addressing any concerns they may have. This proactive approach fosters a sense of community and minimises potential friction between guests and residents. Building positive relationships with neighbours can also lead to valuable recommendations and referrals for your rental property.

Exceeding Guest Expectations

Going beyond the minimum STRA requirements can create a truly memorable experience for your guests. Consider providing amenities like toiletries, local recommendations, or services like guided tours or transportation arrangements. These small touches can lead to positive reviews, increased guest satisfaction, and, ultimately, repeat bookings.

Marketing Your STRA Property

Effective marketing is key to maximising your property's visibility and bookings. Utilise online platforms and social media channels to showcase your property's unique features, amenities, and compliance with STRA standards. Highlighting positive guest reviews and testimonials can build credibility and attract more discerning guests who value safety and quality.

Working with The BNB Agency: Your Partner in STRA Compliancy

At The BNB Agency, we understand the complexities of navigating STRA regulations. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

STRA Compliancy Assessment

We can conduct a comprehensive assessment of your property to identify any areas requiring attention to fully comply with STRA regulations. Our experts will evaluate your property's current safety measures and recommend improvements.

Fire Safety Implementation

Fire safety is a critical aspect of STRA compliancy. We can assist you in sourcing and installing the necessary fire safety equipment, such as interconnected smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and fire blankets. Our goal is to ensure that your property meets all STRA fire safety standards to protect your guests and property.

Strata Liaison (if applicable)

If your property is located within a Strata scheme, navigating Strata bylaws and regulations can be challenging. We have experience in liaising with Strata committees to ensure that your short-term rental activities comply with all applicable rules and restrictions. Our team can help you understand any bylaws related to STRA and facilitate communication with the Strata committee on your behalf.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

STRA compliancy is an ongoing commitment. We offer continuous support to help you stay informed about updates to STRA regulations and maintain compliance over time. Our maintenance services include regular inspections and updates to ensure that your property remains safe and compliant with current standards.

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Boost Your STRA Strategy with Proactive Compliance

Navigating STRA compliancy is essential for anyone involved in short-term rental accommodation. Understanding and adhering to the latest requirements helps ensure the safety and satisfaction of guests while protecting property owners from legal and financial penalties. Investing in STRA compliancy doesn’t just ensure you’re operating legally; it fosters a safe and enjoyable experience for your guests, strengthens your reputation as a responsible host, and ultimately contributes to the success of your short-term rental business.

By staying informed and compliant, property owners can successfully manage their STRA properties and contribute positively to their communities. For detailed information specific to your area, consult your local government’s planning framework and STRA register guidelines. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s discuss how we can help you achieve successful and compliant short-term rentals!

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