Airbnb Property Styling Tips: Make Your Airbnb Feel Like Home

October 30, 2023

Airbnb Property Styling Tips for the Ultimate Guest Experience

For many Airbnb hosts, creating a welcoming and aesthetically pleasing space for guests can feel overwhelming. From selecting the right colour palette to deciding on an accent wall, there are many things to consider when styling your Airbnb. 

Standing out among other Airbnb listings requires more than essential styling tips; to really stand out hosts may benefit from the expertise of an Airbnb interior designer. 

This guide aims to simplify the process by providing actionable ideas and tips to transform any Airbnb space into an inviting haven. From choosing a cohesive colour scheme to strategically placing lighting and decor, these recommendations will help hosts navigate the world of interior styling, even without professional help. With these Airbnb styling tips, creating a memorable and photo-worthy environment for guests doesn’t have to be daunting. 

One key tip? Always kickstart your guests’ stay with a thoughtful welcome pack — a gesture that sets a warm tone from the very beginning.

Airbnb Styling Tips | Airbnb Interior Design | Airbnb Management Sydney

1. Start with a Clean Slate

Starting with a clean slate is crucial when preparing your Airbnb property. To maintain a spotless environment, thoroughly clean the space, paying close attention to corners and hidden areas. Remove personal items, including family photos, to ensure guests feel comfortable. Promptly address any repair needs, from wobbly chairs to flickering light bulbs, to avoid negative reviews. Lastly, a fresh coat of neutral paint can work wonders, making the space feel new and inviting, ready for guests to create their own memories.

Airbnb Interior Design Tips:

Deep clean: Use eco-friendly cleaning products.

Depersonalise: Remove personal items, especially personal photos.

Immediate repairs: Address any small or significant repair needs.

Fresh paint: Apply a coat of neutral or light paint to brighten the space.

2. Create an Inspiring Space

To create an inspiring space, focus on setting the right mood. Good lighting is important. Ensure the space is well-lit with ambient and accent lights to create a warm atmosphere. Choose a consistent theme that complements the style and location of the property, avoiding clutter. Add artwork, especially local pieces, for a wow factor, and include indoor plants for a touch of natural warmth and improved air quality. Comfortable seating is a must, inviting guests to relax and feel at home.

Airbnb Interior Design | The BNB Agency | Airbnb Host Support

Airbnb Interior Design Tips:

Lighting: Combine ambient and accent lighting.

Consistent theme: Maintain a clutter-free design.

Art: Incorporate local pieces for added impact.

Indoor plants: Bring in natural warmth.

Comfort: Ensure cosy and inviting seating.

Key Tip: For small spaces, go for vertical storage, pick furniture that can serve multiple purposes, and use light colours to create the illusion of more room.

Related Post: The Complete Airbnb Furniture Checklist

Meet your guests needs and ensure premium guest comfort with The Complete Airbnb Furniture Checklist.

3. Choose a Style that Works for the Property, Not You

When styling your Airbnb, prioritise the property’s location, architecture, and guest needs. Avoid imposing personal preferences; instead, research what guests in your area prefer and consider interior design methodologies. For example, a beach house could benefit from a bohemian coastal theme; a small city pad may work best with a minimalist interior style. Use mood boards to visualise and plan the space, ensuring consistent design style throughout all rooms. This approach not only satisfies guests but also creates a harmonious and photo-ready environment.

Airbnb Property Styling Tips Summary:

Property-first approach: Consider location and architecture.

Guest preferences: Research what appeals to your target market.

Mood boards: Plan and visualise for design style consistency.

4. Incorporate Subtle Prop Styling

Subtle prop styling enhances the guest experience by giving them a glimpse of what their stay could be like. Avoid going overboard; instead, add thoughtful touches that suggest activities, like a guidebook for exploring the city or swimming gear and beach towels for coastal stays. The key is to be authentic and focus on what makes your property unique. Use elements like window frames to draw attention to these features naturally. Remember, these details shouldn’t overshadow the property itself but rather complement its existing appeal.

Airbnb Interior Design Tips Summary:

Suggest activities: Include items such as guidebooks or equipment.

Authenticity: Emphasise the property's unique features.

Complement, don't overshadow: Props should enhance without being distracting.

5. Add Local Flavour to Your Walls

Adding local flair to your walls can enhance the Airbnb experience. It’s not just about interior design; it’s about creating a sense of connection for guests with the destination. Use nature shots, vintage postcards, or posters from nearby hotspots to add a unique touch to your space Mix and match different elements to showcase the area’s variety, and make sure everything is well framed. Keep in mind, though, that you don’t want to overcrowd the space., but to make guests feel right at home.

Airbnb Interior Design Tips Summary:

Local Guide: Create a guidebook filled with local insights and tips for guests to explore and connect with the community.

Nature shots & vintage postcards: Highlight local beauty and history.

Theme choice: Enhance guests' connection to the property.

Mix and match: Showcase the area's variety.

Framing: Elevate the look of displayed items.

6. Offer High-Quality Linens

Creating a cosy Airbnb experience goes beyond just having a welcoming space. It’s all about the little things that make a big difference. Providing top-notch linens like super soft cotton or sateen bed sheets ensures your guests have a comfy sleep. And offering plush towels that feel like they came from a fancy spa adds that extra touch. Don’t forget those thoughtful extras like comfy robes, slippers, and a variety of comforting teas to make your place feel like a home away from home. These details show that you care about your guests’ comfort and well-being, and will make your Airbnb a memorable retreat that earns you rave reviews!

Airbnb Interior Design Tips Summary:

Soft, luxury linens: Enhance sleeping comfort.

Plush towels: For a spa-like feel.

Variety of pillows: Cater to all preferences.

Homely extras: Robes, slippers, and teas make it special.

Added comforts: Make your space feel like a cosy home.


Live plants: Offer natural warmth and freshness.

Accessories: Add pops of colour.

Art: Incorporate personality.

Lighting: Set the mood.

8. Add Personal Touches to Your Property

Personalised touches can make your Airbnb stand out. While it’s essential not to overdo it with too many personal items, consider displaying personal artwork or photos if you’re an artist or photographer. Incorporate elements that showcase your hobbies or interests. Share a good book or two, letting guests dive into your favourite reads. Handwritten notes, especially welcome notes or recommendations, convey warmth and care. Offering local products can both surprise your guests and support local businesses, ensuring a memorable stay.


Personal artwork or photos: Showcase your talent.

Hobbies or interests: Reflect on your passions in decor.

Good book: Share your favourite reads.

Local products: Support local businesses.

Improve Your Airbnb Style with The BNB Agency Tips

Managing a vacation rental can be challenging for Airbnb hosts. One important task is creating the right ambience. Implementing clever interior design techniques can greatly enhance the appeal of the spaces. Maximising natural light, for example, can make a big difference. 

These simple adjustments not only create a pleasant atmosphere but also attract more guests and increase bookings. Being creative in design is crucial. By following these valuable Airbnb styling tips, hosts can find enjoyable and effortless ways to make their rental stand out, even in a competitive market. It may require dedication, but the rewards are truly gratifying.

Looking to make your Airbnb truly stand out? Explore world-class property styling with The BNB Agency. Benefit from our expertise in interior design and create unforgettable spaces in every room of your property. Contact us today for personalised Airbnb styling tips that captivate your target audience!